The Unlimited Abundance of the Universe
I love comparing the magic of Christmas and Santa’s red magic bag to the unlimited abundance of the Universe. For most of us it is an experience we can truly identify with and we need to take that precious childlike approach to the present moment within our lives.
If you can remember your own childhood you can remember the unequivocal feeling of having absolute faith that Santa was going to deliver the items on your list. You didn’t doubt it you had exceptional belief because after all Santa and his bag was all about magic! He traveled the world in a single night, came magically into your house, provided presents from the endless bag of treasures. You waited for the magical moment with great faith and belief you would get what you asked for. If Santa didn’t bring it, chances are mom, dad or your grandparents did!
If you didn’t have that opportunity, I am sure that as a parent or grandparent you made it a point to make sure what that child was asking for you did your damnedest to make it happen! Because that child was asked what they wanted for Christmas and they believed they were going to get it!
This is the story of the Universe. It is Santa and the Magic Bag! It is where all your dreams and desires lie waiting for you to only seek them out – to ask, demand and take action. We must believe we can have our desires with that same excitement we wanted the new dolly or red bike on Christmas morning as a child. Once we claim the desire and move with joy and enthusiasm towards the goal can the shinning, sparkling gift can be received, but ONLY if we BELIEVE and ONLY if we take right Action towards it!
Follow the example of your most driving, wishful, believing in Santa moment and begin to apply it now into your life today! I am here to help you make your dreams come true!