Today, we are on a rest day between travel destinations. We left Lake Medina, Texas yesterday to head to Benson Arizona where we will arrive tomorrow. We stopped half way in Van Horn Texas. We are now officially in desert country and all humidity is gone. We woke up to 45 degree temp and it is already spiking up to 80 degrees. It was nice to have the windows open with a nice breeze listening to the trains go by and soaking in the sun.
We already on our fourth bottles of water! I am making good use of my face serums made with Young Living essential oils and my Young Living Cinnamint chapstick and Genesis Body Lotion!
It is a beautiful day. I am thrilled to have our fifth day of sunshine! Since starting this journey six months ago we have had more rain than sun. Today feels like a new start. We traveled to Cornwall New York for the birth of our new granddaughter and our oldest granddaughter’s high school graduation during May and June and our youngest daughter got married on Friday. And, now sitting here in the bright desert sunshine we are both thrilled to now be adventuring just because we can but without having to be some place specific although we will be seeing more of family the travel will be more organic.
There is a sense of freedom and love so big I cannot explain. I feel deep contentment, satisfaction, grace, love and healing all at once. I am relieved we finally have my new website up and running so I can share more of my day to day travels and experiences. My life has drastically changed. Clarity has come and soaked in through my entire being. I am blessed with miracles everyday.
I chose to put my real self on my website – talking from the heart and no longer following the advice of marketing professionals who had me geared towards the goal of making money instead of the goal to serve as I am meant to. It was a hard frustrating place, a constant pain in my heart. Once I stopped trying to do it the traditional way I had and surrendered to the voice within and just let myself be for however long it needed to take and practiced forgiveness and letting go I could begin once again to hear my soul speak to me. I listen before responding. I apologize faster. I take life slower. That is what these past six months have brought an even deeper development to my intuitive and soul growth. I am grateful for who I am becoming. I am grateful to have the life I have.
Hugs and Blessings,